So today I collected some funny memes on graphic designers. Warning some of these memes might lead you to question your choice of career so scroll down at your own risk.
These memes are like a reality check for graphic designers. So, don’t miss this post because you might then miss having a good laugh. All Graphic Designers will surely love these Graphic Designer Memes.
Below are Funny Memes That Only Graphic Designer Understand
1. Client Is Your Computer Screen Big Enough To Design a Big Sign?
2. Photoshop Level
3. I Love Pen tool
4. Designer Problems
5. Graphic Designers Favourite Font
6. Paint is the first step to becoming a Designer
7. Choice of Fonts
8. User Experience
9. Graphic Designers First Love Font
10. Two Types of Designers
11. Client brief vs Client Budget
12. Every Graphic Designers Reaction
13. How Clients Think Design Is Made
14. What other people think about Graphic Designers

15. There is always someone willing to do it cheaper.
16. How Designers Family Looks Like

17. What Did You Study?

18. Salary of Indian Designers

19. What People Think Designer Desk Looks Like

20. Yesterday Photoshop Crashed Without Saving

21. Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover

22. When You Try To Understand The Client Brief

23. When You Download A PNG But It’s A JPEG